According to the information and statistics circulating, the Minieh-Danniyeh area is considered a youth area with large educational needs. Based on this information and a market research that we have done followed by surveys, we found a high demand for well structured and high quality educational institutes
It turned out that the region lacks universities or any other educational institutes. Most of the students suffer high cost of transportation to reach the closest university which is considered not less than 15KM far in addition to distance and cost, the consuming of time on the road especially in the winter.
Also others have suffered the high cost for dorms and apartments which are rented to be close to their universities. That’s not all also we found the lack of effective and official certification with international affiliation educational institutes.
All those factors lead and gave us the push to establish the start this educational edifice named: LCU
Click Here to Download Institute Profile: LCU-North Campus final.pdf

Project Details
- Category: InvestmentShare Holding
- Client: Lebanese Canadian University
- Location: Minnyeh
- Completed Date: 2019
- Project Value: 12.5% Share
- Mananer: $2.5M